Friday, August 19, 2011

Beautifully Flawed

Yes I am, Yes we are
Beautiful, flaws and all
Scars carved deep in our hearts
Some not so deep but they're still scars
Insecurities running deep within the very essence of our beings
Imperfection marks our every step
Questions plague our minds
Am I beautiful??
Am I good enough??
Can I actually do that??
Then our insecurities kick in almost on cue
"You're not good enough" the voice in our head says
"You couldn't keep him. Beauty you ask?? Really?!You ain't nothing!!"
Still louder the voice gets...
Worry sets in as our flaws are illuminated...or so we think
Memories flood our poor minds,
That guy who slept with you then up and left without so much as a goodbye
That girl <your supposed best friend> who stole your man from right under your nose

You suddenly notice how rough your skin have such a bad've been hurt and so you push people's begin to blame you...your flaws now magnified...wishing you were someone else...suddenly, you are imperfection itself...

The walls begin to close in and panic sets in...but wait...

See we are beautiful, flaws and all.
I am beautiful...beautifully flawed.
We forget that our imperfections, yes the very things that make us feel inadequate,
Those imperfections are what make us unique and beautiful
It is the acceptance of ourselves, our flaws, that makes us beautiful
As we accept our flaws we begin to see the beauty within us
We become confident in who and what we are
We see the beauty in others as well
Looking beyond their flaws and right into their souls
Sometimes finding that those flaws are what make them beautiful.
Now we see with understanding...seeing as the Father sees us
Looking past our souls blackened with sin to see the beauty within
Yes you see even He loves us flaws and all

That temper that just can't be tamed suddenly so you watch her throw her tantrums
That scar on her right hand suddenly lovely to the eyes and pleasant to touch
That bald spot that set in early putting a smile in your face
That loud and obnoxious personality becoming the life of the party
Those insecurities revealing our tenderness
Those scars we bear, some etched deep in our souls a testimony of our strength
For you the flaws are not so no more
Now beauty is what we see...just as the Father sees

You see you are beautiful, I am beautiful, we are beautiful
Crafted by the very hands of one so great words fail me to explain
Put together in secrecy then revealed like a gem
Yes even the most minute details He took time to create
And the end result
We are beautiful, flaws and all
...Beautifully flawed...

Monday, August 8, 2011


So desperate yet so undeserving are we…
So desperately searching for that which will fill our souls,
That which will take away the sorrow and nurse our wounds,
That which having seen what and who we truly are,
Our ugly scars and deep dark secrets,
Our inadequacies,
Our baggage,
Our wounds,
Will accept us as we are
We desperately seek that which we cannot define…
We seek love…yet we are so undeserving
So undeserving of true love….
Yet strangely we remain oblivious to that which we truly need.
Buzzing around like a bee from flower to flower taking in all we can from each person
Yet, it still is not enough.
Confusing passion for love, spending nights in each others arms
Intertwined and locked
Thinking this will fill our empty souls,
The deep cry of our hearts to be loved…truly loved
So desperately seeking it yet still so undeserving
You see we’ve become so wrapped in what the world calls love,
We lost the true meaning of it
Now we equate passion to love
Forgetting that while love is passionate, passion is not love
We forget that ultimately, sex should be an expression of our love
Not the basis
That it is a gift from God
We abuse it thinking we know
We are thrown back and forth,
Our own hearts in dire need of this true love,
Lost in what we think we know
Not remembering that the heart of man is desperately wicked
So blindly we go on
Our search continues
Desperately searching yet so undeserving
The answer is etched deep in the earth’s foundations
Before all time
So as I run into yet another relationship, I miss out again
I miss out on true love…still desperate yet undeserving
Still hopelessly blind
Hoping this time I'm right...
God still standing on the side lines wondering when I’ll let Him have my heart...
Oh my heart...
My heart that is so bent on breaking every rule
My heart that is so given to wickedness
My heart that He gave His Son for
Yet I turn away
He stands waiting, When will I let Him take control??
Me not knowing that He has what I seek so desperately yet don’t deserve
True Love…
I hope one day I will realize.
So my quest continues, Still desperately seeking yet so undeserving…